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Domination By Firelight

-As Told to Lady Cheyenne by Mistress Amanda

It was nearing the end of an incredibly intense session. My slave had taken a most severe beating, crossing new thresholds for both of us. With bruised and near bleeding bottom, he was crouching at my feet in near tears. This man's spirit was completely and utterly broken. Finally, after months of training and discipline, he was mine.

Perched regally upon my throne, I tried to stay somewhat removed from his suffering. In a gesture of pure generosity, I gave him the honor of cleaning my boots. Now cleaning Mistress' boots can be an intimate experience. Broken spirit and full of admiration, this slave so lovingly licked and caressed my boots from toe to heal and back again.

Ah, relaxing in my splendor, as a thorough beating can take so much energy, I reclined in my throne. As a need to further pamper myself, I picked up a lighter on the arm of my throne and began lighting the candles around me. Some how, I just love to look ferocious with the flames surrounding my naturally blond locks.

This slave was suddenly so small in my eyes, such a broken man, now ready for instruction and even comfort. So, I bent down and carefully placed my index finger under his chin and raised his head so that his eyes met mine. I began to speak, from the bottom of my heart, comforting words to this slave.

There came a strange odor about the room as I was talking but, so involved in the moment, that I could not be distracted. Somewhat unexpectedly, I noticed a look of unspeakable horror falling across the slave's face. The man looked so frightened and confused. Only then, did I notice that when I had bent down to lift the man's chin that my hair had caught on fire. The strange odor was my own hair burning!!!

My first instinct, believe it or not, was not to break the moment. So, I continued speaking and holding his chin with one hand, while patting the flames out of my hair with the other. Can you imagine trying to remain serious in this situation! The submissive has never been back to see me and I wonder if he thought hair burning was some strange ritual.